Monday, April 28, 2008

The Judgmental Hypocrite

No commenter is more despised than the ideological hypocrite. This user attacks others for their simple-mindedness, while in the same breath exposing themselves as a bigoted simpleton. The scariest is when they invoke the good name of Reason as though they are some tiny, stupid warrior for justice. It's almost hard to believe they're not purposely trying to be ironic, if it weren't for their perpetuation of hateful words. So busted.

DomesticsSuck (11 minutes ago) Reply Spam

I laugh at creationists because they are simple people who lack basic logic and 3rd grade science. Dont worry though, I laugh at all stupid people ( muslims, niggers , retards, 12 year olds )

A response to: Why do people laugh at creationists? (part 24)

Monday, April 21, 2008

The Revisionist Historian

This commenter makes bold, broad strokes against the historical canvas, wasting no time to check facts. Extra points awarded for the prophecy of President G.W. Bush's coming-out party. All for the price of one prescient youtube comment.

errors35 (7 hours ago) Show Hide


From "Pluto by Claire and The Reasons"